There are several steps you can take to help protect your chickens from predators:

1. Build a secure coop and run: Make sure the coop and run are sturdy and well-constructed, with no gaps or holes that a predator could exploit. Use hardware cloth (metal mesh with small openings) to reinforce the walls, floor, and roof of the coop and run.
2. Lock up your chickens at night: Chickens are most vulnerable to predators at night, so it's important to lock them in the coop before sunset. This will also help protect them from the elements and prevent them from getting lost or injured.
3. Remove any potential hiding places: Predators such as rats and snakes can hide in tall grass, brush, or debris piles, so it's important to keep the area around the coop and run clean and well-maintained.
4. Use a predator-proof fence: A fence can help keep predators out, but it needs to be tall enough (at least 5-6 feet) and strong enough to withstand attempts to climb or dig under it.
5. Consider using an electric fence: An electric fence can be an effective deterrent for many predators, as long as it is properly installed and maintained.
6. Use a guard animal: Some people use guard animals such as dogs or llamas to help protect their chickens from predators.
7. Keep a watchful eye: Regularly check on your chickens and be on the lookout for any signs of predators or unusual behavior.
By following these steps, you can help keep your chickens safe from predators and ensure they have a happy and healthy home.